Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Value Of A Teacher.

Have you ever had a favorite teacher? I know that I have. My 8th grade teacher Mrs. Hess ALWAYS went out of her way for each and every one of her students. There were days she would come into school looking so tired and worn out and when you asked her if she was okay, she would respond with "Yes, I was up late planning some more of your Washington D.C. trip." She cared so much about me and all my other classmates it made my school year great! Teachers are so much more important than most of us realize. They spend more time with kids than their own family does most of the time. The best teachers are the ones that go out of their way to help you and show you care. (The second best teachers are the ones that give out candy) If you are a teacher, I just want to say thank you. First of all, they don't get paid well for everything they do. They put in endless hours outside of school grading papers or researching for lesson plans. They plan activities and think about how they can help that certain student even though that is not in their job description. I want to be a teacher when I am done with college and for now I am going to use my scentsy consultant job to show teachers how much they mean to me. Scentsy has out an ABC's Warmer and it is adorable (picture above). These will make the PERFECT gift for any of the teachers in your life. The best part about this is you can pick a few different scents to pair with it. I know I am going to let my brother pick out the scents he wants to get for his teachers because face it, your child or brother or sister like in my case, will know that teach pretty well and it will make the teacher feel good that he or she wanted to her them those exact scents. This will make a GREAT end of the school year presents for all of the teachers in you or your childs life. You can contact me to purchase this or go straight to my Scentsy website and purchase it from there. Happy Following! -website -email


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Everyone Loves A Good Party.

So, I am still learning something new about scentsy each day. Today, I learned all the benefits of hosting a scentsy party. You can earn free product as well as half price items. I asked and answered some questions and myths you may have about hosting a scentsy party.

1. It is going to be hard and take too much work.

     FALSE! As your scentsy consultant, it is my job to make sure this process is painless for you and I both. If invitations are too stressful for you, I will do them. If tidying up the house is the issue, RELAX, we all have our own day to day lives. If your counters aren't polished and you have some toys laying around, we will work around it.

2. What will I do about food and entertaining the guests?

     Entertaining the guests is MY job. No need to worry about that. As for food, grab a bag of pretzels or chips, some fruit or veggies and a beverage. This isn't a birthday or graduation party, more like a fun social get together where we get to talk about the awesome product, SCENTSY. If you are still worried about food, you can always ask your guest to bring their favorite appetizer.

3.  I don't have the time.

FALSE! You do have the time. It could be a Wednesday night party from 6:00-8:00 dinner party or a Saturday afternoon 1:00-5:00 open house.The great thing about taking the time is not only do you get to host a party, you can take time out of your busy week and get to socialize and catch up with friends and family. There is the excuse TO host a scentsy party.

I hope I have answered your questions and fears on hosting a scentsy party. Give everything a shot, at least once. Although, once you try scentsy, you will never go back! Until tomorrow, Happy Following!

Check out my SCENTSY website:

Monday, March 5, 2012

What's In Your Dryer?

Have any of you ever tried a dryer bar? I have not, I have always been a dryer sheet kind of girl (although, it has always ultimately been my mother's choice as well). Were you ever embarrassed from having a dryer sheet stuck to the back of your dress or have a dryer sheet coming out of your pant leg? I know that has happened to me a few times. Because of this, I have decided to give a dryer bar a chance. Not just any dryer bar though, a SCENTSY dryer "disk" also known as a bar. But, due to legal reasons, we choose not to call it that. Besides, being original is best. Anyhow, the SCENTSY dryer disks come in two great scents. One is a coconut lemongrass and the other is called Quiver. Coconut lemongrass can basically describe itself but as for Quiver, it is the scent of innocent vanilla flower, warm sandalwood, and sultry night-blooming tuberose in a seductive scent, meant to cause a shiver of delight.  Each one of these scents contains two disks per package. Two disks for $7.00 is not a bad price for these great products. The added bonus is that you can have a more original scent rather than smelling like bounce or downy like everyone else. I will be straying away from the usual and be giving these SCENTSY dryer disks a shot, you should too! You can check out my website as well and buy these products as well as any other SCENTSY products at

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cravings; How do you handle them?

Everyone loves a bit of sugar here or there. Well today, Alex took me out to Max & Ermas for lunch. Which, by the way, I highly recommend. The food was tasty and there was lots of variety in the menu. They ask you in the beginning if I wanted a cookie and of course I said no (shame on me). I was looking to my food rather than dessert. Well once I finished my food I regretted that decision and asked for a cookie only to receive devastating news; they have to bake them fresh. To most people this would be great news, but to the girl that was ready for dessert now, it was a let down that they wouldn't have any for 20 minutes. It then made sense why they asked us if we wanted cookies in the beginning. I dealt with not getting dessert an we headed home. Although, once we got back into town I wanted to go get cupcakes. It was just my luck that the two cupcake places we have in town were closed already. Which if you ask me is silly, since most sugar cravings come in the afternoon and evening hours. So I accepted the fact that I couldn't get a dessert and went for ice cream. I walked confidently into the new frozen yogurt store in our town and saw the flavors for the day. That's when I started to get REALLY annoyed. All I wanted was some dessert. My choices of ice cream were cherry, peach mango, chocolate pralines and no sugar chocolate. The only one that I would like would be the chocolate but I was not paying .45 cents an ounce for sugar free ice team. I WANTED all the sugar. Not Splenda, not truvia, and surely not sweet n low. My last choice was the other ice cream in town that I was not fond of to begin with but at this point I NEEDED a dessert. I settled on the German chocolate cake ice cream to put a mix between my cupcake and chocolate cravings. Perfect right? Well come to find out, I must be the only one that didn't know there were pecans in German chocolate cake. Did I mention I hate pecans? They were chopped up in my ice cream so there was no hope for the ice cream. So after all of these trouble I thought to myself, "why don't I just go home and burn some sticky cinnamon bun wax in my SCENTSY warmer and I would half a guilt free, fulfilling dessert. Okay, not really but still I had given up on getting dessert and you know what, SCENTSY bakery scents will never let you down like all of these desserts I tried did. At the end of the day I indulged in pizza and cookie dough ice cream from the gas station while spending the evening watching Madagascar while I babysat the cutest little boys. I hope you all had a wonderful Saturday evening as did I. If you are looking for the one stop perfect dessert, just try one of SCENSTY's bakery waxes. I know that's what I am doing next time. You can purchase any of your scentsy needs through me at

Until tomorrow, happy following!

Friday, March 2, 2012

True Loves.

Three things I love, God, my boyfriend Alex, and of course SCENTSY! So, I did miss a post yesterday and for that I sincerely apologize. I do have a valid reason. I babysat all day and then supported my boyfriend as he played their final game in the play offs. They didn't make it as far as they would have liked but they made it far enough to continue on to the state play offs next weekend. One thing I have realized from dating a hockey player is that they have MANY uses/needs for SCENTSY products. The travel tins are great for their lockers. They easily open and close to travel from game to game and locker to locker. Have you ever smelt the hockey bag all of their gear is held in? If you haven't, spare yourself the agony and DON'T DO IT! I have finally found a way, to help this issue (I would say solve the issue but let's be honest, there is no way of getting rid of that hockey smell in its entirety, trust me I have tried.) SCENTSY scent bags are perfect to stick right in their bag and leave in there for long lasting freshness. As much as I love my boyfriend and all that comes with him, I will so graciously be getting him these two SCENTSY products for his hockey games ASAP. Now these products will work for football, volleyball, baseball, and just about every other sport as well as gym bags and gym lockers. So check out my website where you can purchase any of your SCENTSY needs. Until later, HAPPY FOLLOWING!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Don't You Just Love The UPS Man?

So today, guess what I got in the mail???? Yup, that's right, my Scentsy starter kit. I heard the beautiful sound of that big, brown UPS truck coming down my driveway this afternoon and it has been history since. I have been so crazy busy trying to get things organized, invitations out, and labeling EVERYTHING, that here I am at 11:30 trying to get my daily post in. I will succeed if I must add. Anyways, it's not a long post today but tomorrow, I will do better, promise. Although, I am not real sure anyone is reading these posts but hey, one day maybe I will be the next Jenna Marbles, minus the nasty, obscene, and X-rated things she says. Okay scratch that. I do NOT want to be the next Jenna Marbles. No offense to her, I am just to happy living my life for Christ, starting my own business, and being a role model to the kids I babysit to be anything that satisfactory. I'll post about the little boy I babysit soon. You'll love him. He is the cutest thing ever! Let's connect this back to Scentsy, even baby kyles loves his Scentsy Buddy. Until tomorrow, Happy Following.   <------ Check it out !

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Personal Scentsy Website

Here is my personal Scentsy website. Check it out!!!

Scentsy In My Home.

Have you ever gone to someone's house and noticed that their house had a smell? Most of the time it's a good smell. Although, I have walked into my fair share of houses being put back by an odor (Since I'm now in the wonderful business of Scentsy, I can fix that problem.) Anyways, some houses smell like fresh baked cookies, some like clean fresh air and others have a more fruity sometime smell. Whatever your aroma of choice is, Scentsy has you set! There is Sugar Cookie for those that like to gain free calories from smelling those delicious calorie filled treats. For those that want to trace back to sweet summertime, Peach a la mode does justice for that. If fresh and clean is what your looking for, look no further than Pima Cotton. Not only do we have scents for every mood and every season, we also have warmers for every season as well. I added a picture of one of my favorite warmers in my house. All winter it has been filled with Sticky Cinnamon Bun and our house is cozy, warm and smells great all winter long.

I am still anxiously awaiting my starter package from Scentsy. It shipped yesterday so tomorrow I will sit and wait for the UPS man (I promise not to attack him when he arrives.) Until I receive my starter kit, you can still purchase your favorite Scentsy products from my website listed below. If you've never tried Scentsy before, send me an email and I will gladly point you in the right direction.

Okay, I'm gonna snap back to being 18 years old and finish babysitting, my environmental science homework, and attend my boyfriends hockey game this evening. Make sure to check out my website and share my blog with your friends and family. I may have just only become an adult according to age, but I've got more experience than some 25 year olds I know. Give me a chance and I promise to assist and serve you to the best of my ability. Until tomorrow, Happy Following!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Uses, ideas and suggestions.

So I am sitting in the doctors office waiting the usual 30-45 minutes until I get called back for my appointment and I had a epiphany! Doctors offices need scentsy burners!!! The huge number of different aged people with their own reasons to be there don't bring the best of smells to the place. I include myself in that as I am in my full gym attire. So below are some pictures of things to solve this doctors office problem. Maybe it's crazy and not possible but hey, it would sure make these 45 minutes more tolerable. Happy following!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Personal Scentsy Site

Thankfully, companies are getting very creative and user friendly in selling their product. Scentsy is very good at this. You can buy Scentsy products through me without having to wait for me to put my next order in. You can order off my website listed below for any of your Scentsy needs. While I am trying to sound calm, cool and collected through this, I am freaking out a tad. I need to learn the ropes off being a great consultant but I hope to gain and keep customers with my commitment to being there for them and doing everything I can to make their purchases pain free and 100% satisfied. I should admit tonight I am trying to juggle learning more about Scentsy as well as finishing my Enviromental Science test. Did I mention I am high school senior/college sophomore? Yeah, it's a confusing concept. So I am just taking it day by day with some of the best Scentsy consultants to guide me. So check out my website and give Scentsy a try if you never have, you will not regret it! Happy following!

It&apos;s Just The Beginning.

Hello! My name is Allidia Hermes-Jenkins but I go by Allie. I am 18 years young as of today which leads me to why I am starting this blog; I am the newest Scentsy consultant. As a birthday gift to myself I signed up and am anxious to get into the swing of things. This blog will all about Scentsy, new products, reviews, uses and unique ideas. I'm going to share my story along the way and what its like figuring out this world while being my own boss. It should be interesting.You can purchase Scensty from me on my website listed below. I look forward tithe future of this blog and happy following!